Featured Artist: Vivian Helena Aumond-Capone

Vivian Helena is a mixed media fiber/quilt artist who loves to work with gourds and jewelry. “I am easily distracted with the next project, and have many going at one time. I have been teaching fabric dyeing and beginning gourd art for many years. I am blessed with my own home studio.” Her website is http://www.vivianhelena.com/.

1. Tell me a little about yourself

Most of my inspirations transpire in mixed media fiber art.  Gourds, jewelry and photography also hold a fascination for me.  We live in the rolling hills near Yosemite National Park on the Fresno River. When living in the middle of nature, you are a part of the changes that happen on a daily basis. Each morning sees the excitement of the day– birds in the trees, animals wandering by, the smell of pines and oaks, and the breeze that flows up the river. It is a great way to start the day.

2. Why did you join Postmark’d Art? When did you start making postcards?

I joined Postmark’d Art six years ago, after looking around on the net, thinking this would be a fun way to experiment with different products and to stray from perfect quilting techniques. I also wanted to share and get to know ladies from other areas of the country. Little did I know that I would find dear friends in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.

3. How do you display your postcards?

The postcards from the exchanges are set around in my house so that they can be enjoyed. Eventually I place them in white binders for safekeeping. Periodically, they are taken out to share for a lecture or to share during teaching for ideas.

4.What have been some of your favorite themes?

Each session we have many themes to choose from and some of my favorites are Steampunk, Floral, Seasons, and Hearing. Usually themes that make me stretch for the ideas are my favorites.

5 .Tell me about your interests.

We have four llamas, and seven outdoor cats. I love gardening, reading, hand embroidery and simple knitting. I have too many UFO’s in knitting also. Volunteering takes up a bit of my time, I volunteer at the Coarsegold Historical Society, P.E.O., Timberline Co-op Gallery, and Sierra Mountain Quilters Society.

One of the special benefits of Postmark’d Art is the fantastic ladies that I have been blessed to meet. When we are stuck with a creative idea or need help with a project we can count on each other to lend an ear and someone will always know how to work with a new product. All are sharing and understanding.  Everyone’s life has some tough moments and celebrations.  We share these moments by giving our support. This is a special family.